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Our Team

Dr Leona Craffert

Dr Leona Craffert


Leona Craffert is the Director
of the Western Cape CoLab for
eInclusion and Social Innovation
at UWC.

Dr Carlynn Keating

Dr Carlynn Keating


Carlynn Keating is a researcher at the Western Cape CoLab for e-Inclusion and Social innovation. Her diverse academic background includes a BA Honours (Psychology), MPhil Population Studies and an MCom Information Management.

Dr Cora van Leeuven

Dr Cora van Leeuven


Cora van Leeuwen is a joint PhD researcher with the University of the Western Cape and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Dr Wouter Grove

Dr Wouter Grove

Manager: Special Projects/Researcher

Wouter is the Western Cape CoLab Manager:Special Projects & Manager of the UWC Samsung Future-Innovation Lab.

Jason Fortuin

Jason Fortuin

Engagement & Operations Manager

Jason Fortuin is the Operations Manager at the CoLab for e-Inclusion and Social Innovation at UWC.

Sive Mange

Sive Mange

Joint PhD Student (UWC/VUB)

Sive Mange is a joint PhD researcher with the University of the Western Cape and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Dr Natasha Katunga

Dr Natasha Katunga


Natasha Katunga (PhD) is a researcher at the Western Cape CoLab for e-Inclusion and Social Innovation based at the University of the Western Cape. Her research interests are in the information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) and social media for development spaces, particularly societal inclusion and digital social innovation.

Dominique Goch

Dominique Goch

Office Manager

Dominique plays an anchor role for the CoLab, working across all projects, her role includes the coordination of training interventions, reporting, financial administration, engagement with internal and external stakeholders

Andre Daniels

Andre Daniels

Joint PhD Student (UWC/VUB)

Andre Daniels is a joint PhD researcher with the University of the Western Cape and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


Goldfields Building

University of the Western Cape

Robert Sobukwe Road


Western Cape 

South Africa


Telephone: +27 21 959 4065 

© 2035 by UWC CoLab. 

Inclusive by Design / Collaborative by Nature

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